5 year old

29 Jun

I know this is a very interesting title. However, what you are about to read will explain it all. To some of you what I may be writing may be a major offense. To you I say don’t flatter yourself and you will truly get over it.

On to the title (long story trust me)…So since I have been back in Memphis I have really appreciated Whitney Mathes as she has been a wonderful friend and a truly amazing sister to me. She has been there to listen and to speak truth into my life. She does not know the impact that she has had on me since I have been back in the M-town. She is one of the most genuine people I know here in M-town that is pursuing Holiness. It makes my heart so happy to be around her. In fact because of her love and pursuit of Christ-likeness I feel most comfortable with her. This is for two reasons one which may be hard to understand. First off, I know that Whitney genuinely loves and cares for me. She makes this clear to me as she offers me rides (my car is out of AC)…etc. But more important to me is that she listens to the things which God is speaking in my life and she also tells me that which he is speaking into hers. Often times we even tell one another where we have sinned in our lives and the repentance which God has drawn us to. The second reason I feel most comfortable with Whitney,  which some could say is just an extension of the first, is that I know that Whitney will hold me accountable. If for some reason the things I am saying or doing are not glorifying to God I know that she will speak up out of love for me and rebuke me for it. So I would say that the first was actually a ground for this one. She rebukes me because she loves me. One thing that I love about Whitney is that we will literally stand around for hours talking about God. One thing she brought up in one of our talks is that when people talk about other things it is just meaningless, pointless, but when talking about God there is eternal value in it. However, many people (talking adults here) don’t know how to talk about God in casual conversations. Their actions show that they believe that God belongs in the private sector of life and not the public one. Thus showing that God is only sufficient to meet one’s needs as they see fit and not that He is the Holy, Infinite, God that spoke things into being…he judges and through that judgment shows mercy to him he will show mercy to. He has saved us, Yet we do not want to talk about him…What is wrong with us?    This  brings up the point of Isabella  aka Bella.

Bella is I believe around 5 years old and goes to my church. She is one of the great joys in my life. When I see her it puts a smile on my face. The reason for this is because I love it when I am able to talk with her. Yes, we talk about every time how she wants me to braid her hair because braids are so great; however, you should see how she talks about her bible. She loves her bible so much! Her and I actually have the same bible, but this fact never gets old to her. She always takes mine and compares it to hers and is like look they are the same. It truly is her delight to hold that bible. In addition to her love of her bible, she will also talk about God. Often times I will ask her a question and it will be, well God says that we aren’t to do that. In talking with her mom, her mom said that they review the catechisms. Sometimes when Bella is caught doing something she (the mom) will ask the question and then Bella will answer! How beautiful is that! These parents are teaching and disciplining their child with the word of God! The word truly is sufficient for every area of life and these parents are actually living out they believe God is who he says he is by the way they are parenting their child!

This child and the obedience of her parents are such an encouragement to me. Most children of her age don’t even bring God up, but this child not only will bring God up, but she already knows some of the basic truths about God. So many times people write off that children just can’t learn theology, but that is not what the bible says. Many people who consider themselves Christians have posted in their homes the verse in Joshua talking about as for me and my house we will serve the Lord; however, the parents are not living out lives that show this and aren’t teaching their children the basic truths of the bible. Therefore, how are the children suppose to know how to serve the Lord?

Many parents don’t know how to start. so if you are reading this and want to know how to start to share the word of God with your children here are a few resources:

Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God by Bruce A. Ware



family worship guide:


bible reading in one year:

Click to access calendar.pdf

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