a time to laugh

4 Sep

I figured I would make one more posting before heading back out of the capital. After this point I am not sure how often I will update my blog.

So this title is most appropriate for how my week has gone. I love the fact that Gd has allowed for so many trials in my life that I have just learned to laugh when things happen. I will steal this one from Elf, but make a few changes: “Laughing is my favorite” (with a big smile on my face as I say that).

To start the week off, my teammate and I continue to go to our tailor throughout the week for different things: One time we dropped of material, one time we went to practice learning language, another time to pick up our outfits that weren’t done, and then finally to pick them up again. Each time we go visit him we always have a good time. Our communication is great. He makes the best sounds to where I can pretty much figure out what he is saying. Today he was trying to tell us the word for rain so he took his pitcher full of water and started to dump it out like rain. After we received our outfits and told him they were very good in his language we gave him drink packets as a gift for being such a good friend to us. After we gave him these he was so excited! he called his friend that could speak English to translate to us “If you ever need anything, at any time, I am here.” Manda and I were so excited because we feel like we have a friend.

So earlier in the week I was sent out to get eggs. it was crazy storming though, but you know how I am, task oriented determined to get the job done. So although the water at the top of the drive way (it is slanted) was up almost to my knees I was like no I am getting those eggs. I kept walking out towards the store, then it happened I was deep in water all the way up to my stomach right under my chest. I couldn’t believe how deep the water was. I then went and got back in our house…. I guess the water won. Come to find out the next day what had happened is I had stepped into the ditch that was right next to our house…yuck! Oh well I guess you could say I took a nice swim.

One of the times Manda and I went to the tailor we were working on greeting people. We were saying Enkneechey (which is hello) to people that we were passing. We were getting so good at it that we even almost said it to 2 mannequin. The bad part is I had just told Manda that I thought that the mannequin were Africans and then as we got up closer and had been talking we tried to greet them. Seriously Africa does something to your mind.

The other day we went to yellow market to buy some supplies and hopefully to find a moo-moo. That morning I had pryed that Gd would help us with our language and He did. He sent us one of our journey friends to translate for us. This was such a blessing as she knew where we could buy moo moos too. So we go and find them and I go to try it on… As I am trying this moo moo on  the African tells me that it is on backwards… so as I am trying to turn it around… well I just couldn’t because it was hard to turn it with clothes on. Finally the African felt bad for me and helped me put it on correctly… did I mention it was a male African. This man was very nice as you can tell.

There were many other adventurous things that happened throughout the week. They were all my bads, but my teammate and I made it… That is all that really counts. Even as hard things come and humbling things, like an African having to help you put a moo moo on I am just reminded that Gd knew of the circumstances and He has ordained them before they happen. This brings me much comfort and just reminds me to laugh in the situation and to enjoy the moment which has been given to me. So that is what I leave you with at this time: Whatever situation you are in whether good or bad remember to live in that moment for it, even bad, is a gift from Gd.

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