A little thing called rain!

22 Aug

O man things here are great! We have been able to have such sweet time to pry and worship our savior! It really does not get much better then that. As published in the previous blog there have been several changes that have been made, but it has made everything slow down. It has been great just to slow down and to just be still before Him. I love being able to take  moments and to look at them for what they really are. So often life is just so fast that we don’t really take the time to see things in that moment. We let precious moments pass us by instead of taking the time to Rejoice or to petition the one who upholds all things.

The church:

The few of us that are here we gather together to worship. The worship consists of everyone sitting. We open up in pryer and then…. there is no organization, it is all Spirit lead. People will pray or start singing a song and then the rest of us will join in . At times there is just silence where everyone just sits there prying. It is very good…. I love it what can I say.

Time in silence:

Last week we all had a very relaxing day. We went to a retreat area. The purpose of the retreat was to give us ample time to spend time with the One who created the universe and all things. It was such sweet time. We were told to take advantage of this time for out in the village time to spend with Him is small. One thing that continues to press in my mind is Proverbs 2. This is what my mind dwelt on during this time.  Continually my mind thinks about what it means to fear Yahweh and what that actually means and looks like in my life. After spending time with Him, all of us met back up together for lunch.

Lunch was great. We had meat on a stick. I tell you what… meat is so good. It is not something that we get all the time so I am so thankful for the protein. After lunch we started to discuss the new project that was before us. It was a very good day!

For several days after the retreat, we all met together to continue to discuss the new project. Those days were also very good. We have much to rejoice about!


Here the way that we go out and tell people the gospel of our salvation is through stories…of course they are not any ole stories we make up, but they are stories from Gd’s word. Friday we were taught one of these stories and then went out in our neighborhood to share the stories. The people really like them. We start every story out with: this is a story from Gd’s word. It is amazing to see people’s’ reaction to the story. After the story we ask them questions about it: what did you like, what did you not like, etc.  One of the guys heard a story and then asked for another one. Thankfully Adam was there as my teammate and I only knew one story. (You must be careful with the stories because of culture and making sure that words can be translated, etc.) Adam told the second story. He told the story of creation. It was all very good! After the man heard the story he had to go, but he wanted us to come back and tell more stories!

The rain:

Yesterday, my teammate and I were sent out on a “secret mission.” Not really, we were sent out by ourselves to gather things we needed in the village. As we started to stroll down the street the dust started picking up. Here this is a sign that it is about to rain. I looked at her and told her that we needed to head back as the dust had really picked up. As we started to head back it started to pour down rain. We both just started to laugh. She then looked at me and said your teeth! I told her I knew they were covered in dirt because i could taste it…yucky! We were both covered in dirt and then the rain was giving us a nice shower. By the time we made it back to our place we were completely soaking wet. It was wonderful in that we had so much joy in our little adventure.

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