The purpose of Him will stand!

22 Aug

So first off I would like to apologize to all my faithful fans for not posting anything new; however, there have been lots of changes here so I wanted to make sure I knew everything so I could relay everything to you and not just bits and pieces that would change.

There has been much pryer on this end about where the Spirit has been leading…. well He has led us to a new project. The new project consists of my teammate and I working with a different people group in a different region. We are both thrilled about this. By accepting this project, we have also obtained for ourselves a new supervisor. He has been living in this region for almost a year and seems to have a good grasp on the people group including the language. Where he lives there are a handful of believers, several of them are women. There is a particular woman believer there to whom I have been prying about. Our Supervisor, I will just call him Adam, Adam has told us a little bit about this woman and how she is in need of other sister believers. I am so excited about meeting her and being able to spend time with her! If you have any other questions about this feel free to leave me a comment and I will reply to you. Thanks to everyone back home for keeping me and my team in your thoughts!

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